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Form prefix to be longer than 4 characters and to include numbers and special characters

We find the prefix being 4 letters limiting to our form needs and processes.

We therefore as Synchro users would want the form prefix to be longer and to include numbers and punctuation characters. like -_.!$%*<>?/|

Our standard flow is to develop a form, test it within and outside the development team. Everytime we move to another level of testing we would change the prefix of the form and delete previous instances. This allows for "clean sheet" new test run. We very quickly run out of preferred prefixes, whilst trying to retain some logic and schema

  • Kiril Tasev
  • Nov 9 2023
  • Shipped
  • Admin
    Kevin Vivien commented
    25 Mar 19:57

    Please note that this request was released to production on 3/21/24.