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Show QR Code in thumb nail view in PDF settings

Currently we do not have the capability to place a QR code on multiple sheets at one time. It would be useful when doing QC on published sheets if a QR code has been placed in the thumb nail view without clicking on the panel icon.

  • David Gallaher
  • Mar 9 2023
  • Shipped
  • Admin
    Paul Johnson commented
    August 03, 2023 17:53

    In our latest update to SYNCHRO Control we have added an icon indication on the plan sheet thumbnails representing that a QR Code has been placed on the sheet. We have also added a column in the Documents>Plan Sets grid view that can be filtered to show sheets based on whether or not they have a QR Code placed.

  • David Gallaher commented
    March 14, 2023 18:41
    It might be beneficial to implement a red flag tag action of sheets that have no QR code as well. We use HCSS HeavyBid and when reviewing estimates we can click a review button that flags certain elements of potential errors or mistakes. These categories can be predefined by the user's criteria and then the program creates a checklist of those elements based on those parameters. It is extremely useful when conducting QC efforts. Essentially creating a one click easy button to identify which sheets do not have a QR code in your plan set and giving you the option to remedy it. This would be in addition to the ability to see the most current view of a plan sheet in the thumbnail view.
  • David Gallaher commented
    March 14, 2023 18:33
    Yes that is correct. Currently, we can only confirm a QR code by viewing a selected sheet. You can see a thumbnail preview with the code by selecting the panel icon but it only shows the selected sheet again. With the potential of hundreds to thousands of plan sheets on large projects it is essential for our document controllers to QC the effort of when QR Codes are placed. This with the other AHA idea I have posted to place QR codes on multiple sheets at one time with a designated default location of the user's choosing will save countless hours of work and improve efficiency/maintenance of documents.
  • Admin
    Paul Johnson commented
    March 14, 2023 18:17

    Thanks for the idea David. So essentially, when you are reviewing your plan set, you want to confirm that all the published sheets have a QR Code? At this time, you would need to go through and preview each sheet to confirm the code is there. So you'd like an indicator of some sort in the thumbnail view that the sheet already has a QR code to speedup the review?