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We want to be able to run a report which could create an "Audit Trail" by User ID.

In SYNCHRO control would like to have an option to run a report which would create an "Audit Trail" by user ID or task. Almost like a key stroke report.

There are times when our users are working on multiple functions in SYNCHRO and at the same point in time the screen automatically refreshes. Their work could be lost or not they unsure what saved because when the screen refreshes, the tasks they were working on are closed out.

There are also times when permissions changed incorrectly on folder access and we would like to be able to see what user changed permissions.

We would like be able to track who is working on what when it comes to our forms and documents.

  • David Dudek Jr.
  • Jan 12 2023
  • Future consideration
  • Jan 12, 2023

    Admin response

    Thank you for submitting your idea. We understand the desire for it and will consider it for a future release.