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My Task for Multi Assign Recipients

Since the release of the multi assign control, we have been using this to assign multiple users as additional recipients, similar to that of the CC-list in our emails. While this feature is extremely useful, we realise that these users have no way of finding out what has been assigned to them via multi assign unless they check their emails for the notification from no-reply@bentley. They are unable to check quickly which forms are assigned to them in the 'My Tasks' tab, beacause they need to be assigned to the form under the labelled control 'User List' instead to see assigned forms in 'My Tasks'.

It would be great if we could get these users who have been assigned under 'Multi Assign' to be able to view the forms assigned to them under 'My Tasks' as well. This could be a simple toggle between Assigned To vs Multi Assigned To, or something similar. I hope this is clear and if you do not understand, please feel free to write in to me. Happy to clarify.

  • Nikki Yong
  • Jul 16 2021
  • Shipped
  • Dec 22, 2022

    Admin response

    Thank you for your idea. We have now updated the My work widget on the homepage and the My work page in SYNCHRO Control to show forms that are assigned to the individual user as well as the roles that user has.