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Related Form Traceability

My work history has always taught me that the 'Tag' (unique equipment identifier) was king, by that I mean everything raised (form) during the project life cycle always had a relationship to the tag, this way, moving the tag from engineering through to the Asset Operator; and everything in-between, nothing was missed when the ownership of that said tag was passed on and handed over to the next phase - first and foremost for safety reasons.

Now we nearly have this with 'Related' forms which is good news to see within Control, what we don't have is a guaranteed 100% capture of all related formwork as we know communication can breakdown with spelling errors, laziness or simply ignorance to the the job in hand.

What I propose is a simple change to the OTB Forms where we have a mandatory field to add a tag i.e. the form cannot be assigned until the field is complete, if not we also add a checkbox to tick if it is NOT tag related, this moving the accountability to the person creating the form.

Not fool proof and not 100% guaranteed a 'catch all' but a bit closer to capturing everything related.

  • John Todd
  • Dec 7 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Dec 15, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for this idea. We are always looking for ways to promote safety on jobsites. We will review it and consider it for a future release.