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Related forms to be bound to a specific location or control in a form.

When we relate forms we usually do that for a specific reason or as a workaround to raise a form from within a form.

When related currently the forms are showing bunched up together with no sensible order or context.

As a user I want to see the escalated form listed at the spot/are of the form from where I am raising it.

Example: I have a checklist listing various conditions of the build. I am at step 7 of Section 2 and I need to sample concrete. I notice there is no sand in the mix so I need to raise an NCR. I want this NCR to be shown next to Step 7 of Section 2 as that now provides context where the NCR is related to without going into opening the NCR and reading page after page to understand what is it.

  • Kiril Tasev
  • May 16 2024